Outreach Team Updates

Over the past month, the Outreach Team has targeted a number of like-minded, progressive groups in the hopes of building collaborative relationships that we expect to bear significant fruit over the coming months.

Marely Ramirez has worked tirelessly with the immigrant rights groups Alliance San Diego and the San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium, attending numerous meetings and rallies and actively influencing their work. Meg Wiley is building a strong relationship with SD350, and invites anyone who can attend to their anti-offshore drilling rally on Feb 3rd.

We are continuing our coordination with the ACLU, and Ara Farnam-Levinson will be attending an ACLU/SD County Indivisible collaborative meeting on Jan. 24. We are also initiating outreach with Planned Parenthood and the LGBT Community Center in Hillcrest, spearheaded by Geuni Zinser and Sue Heim, respectively.

How to help:

  1. Help us form relationships with local advocacy groups by contacting team leader, Matt Douglas at sdindivisible@gmail.com.

  2. Help us form a working relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Contact Matt Douglas at sdindivisible@gmail.com to get started.

Attend San Diego 350’s “Hands Across the Sand: San Diego’s Voice Matters” on Saturday, Feb. 3: https://www.facebook.com/events/2006770212927454/