
Heart to Heart: Weekly Digital Happy Hours

This is difficult time. Many people are dealing with anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and frustration. Indivisible members are no strangers to those feelings - they were what led us to form groups & take action back in the aftermath of the 2016 elections. However, the addition of a global pandemic has added isolation to the mix - we can't just gather at someone's home or other venues.

Maintaining community while maintaining distance is crucial.

To that end, Indivisible San Diego Persist & Indivisible CBFD will be hosting weekly digital "happy hours" for a chance to connect in whatever way you need: sharing, processing, venting, asking for where to find resources & help, laughing, crying, introducing pets via webcams...

This time will be focused on community, not on action. (We have plenty of other times focused on action, even remotely!) We hope you can join us.

  • When?

    Every Wednesday at 4:00pm (Pacific Time)

  • Where?

    Online via Zoom!

  • How?

    Join on your computer by clicking this link:
    Or dial in by phone (find your local number here) with meeting ID: 537 384 334

CA53 Debate

This past Sunday we collaborated with 2 other local Indivisible chapters to hold a debate for the candidates running to replace Susan Davis in Congressional District 53.

We are so grateful for our moderator and our candidates, who kept things civil, informative, and productive. We are also grateful for our audience and everyone who is committed to finding the best person to represent them in the 53rd district! Thank you Ronn Kilby for filming the entire debate and making it available to even more voters.

See the entire debate here: CA 53 Debate Footage

On stage we had (in alphabetical order):

  • Jose Caballero

  • Janessa Goldbeck

  • Georgette Gomez

  • Sara Jacobs

  • Joaquín Vázquez

However, this is a crowded race, and although we had to limit the numbers of participants to really get in depth in our questions, we also invited other candidates to table & mingle at the end of the debate.

Some other resources as you research your options ahead of the March 3rd primaries: